Erin Gott
Gott the Gift Vocal Studio - Vocal & Performing Arts Educator

A bit about me...
I have loved music since I can remember and I don't think I'm different than the majority of the population. We all have memories and emotions tied to music. I bet you can remember a moment in your life by just hearing a song? That is just how powerful and beautiful it is!
I was 8 when I began taking voice lessons and little did I know then, where it would take me. It allowed me to work and learn from the most incredible people. People who encouraged me and people who challenged me to push myself beyond what I thought was capable.
I could continue to write my credentials below but what I have come to learn in my 28 years of teaching voice, is where I went to school over two decades ago and the classes I took truly don't amount to anything. What matters is that each individual that enters my studio learns all they can possibly learn, grows in ways that allow them to flourish within their craft and embodies their truest self. I'm extremely passionate about helping and encouraging people to explore the endless world of music, especially the voice.
Our voice is as unique as our fingerprint and each person's lesson is structured around that principle. Whether you're singing in your kitchen, in church or up on stage, I thoroughly love what I do and I am honored to share my knowledge with you and help you to achieve your goals!
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